Shins, it seems you’ll always find a model with long shins. Maybe you could make it in the modeling business with just an interesting face and really long shins. I’m not an anatomist or a trainer but it seems basketball players get the torque to jump from their shin length. Just picturing their long shins effortlessly absorbing and displacing energy to jump and change direction. We can all be judgmental about our body parts. I’ve pieced together enough evidence over the years though to convince myself that maybe I do have short shins . I'll just say this has been recently that this term 'short shins' has bubbled up in my mind. I'll also say that in varying shin outcomes some have long and toned basketball and I have cabbage patch. Maybe I'm being too harsh. I have no distinction between my freshly sown knee dimples and my baby stumps. Also don't think I came up with the cabbage patch kids shins term either while typing this that like the term 'short shins' term has trickled into my mind over the years through my observation as well. I like my shins well enough. I think there’s nothing wrong with them but unfortunately some shins are less cabbage patch like than others.
Anyway, I've come to the conclusion I have short shins through several ways. While looking in the mirror I've noticed wearing shorts above the knees makes my shins look small in comparison to them and wearing them below the knees makes my shorts look too long. I don't like having my picture taken for the simple fact that somehow through the mirror I have more control over what I see. I can remember three pictures now where I have short shins. One I was at scout camp in a hot muggy Florida afternoon in 2005 when I had succumb to the folly of wearing big shorts making them look even smaller than usual. Another in 2008 also taken outdoors I've spotted my short shins again this time in my shorter shorts. There's something about the outdoors that gives pictures the added objectivity. The disorienting natural elements can melt away any false pretenses a nice indoor mirror can give you over the years. Maybe to see your true self you need to look at a mirror outside, for many hours. Pictures are a nice objective portrayal to take into account especially outdoor pictures when making claims such as saying you have short shins. I've also taken into account a baby picture. It was me standing on my tippy toes trying to reach something. The strange thing was my shins looked small to me even for a baby. Proportionally babies heads are much larger as a child than an adult but in this picture there was enough room in my head to have fit both shins many times over. There's something about my shins that leave me hanging like my baby picture they just don't quite meet my expectations like I have to work extra hard to get the basketball shin results and reach whatever it was I was reaching for. Like when I running I feel more pressure in the muscles in front of my shins to lift off then anywhere else and I have to try and shift the work load to my thighs. When I sit down sometimes I tippy toe for me to feel like I have some contact with the floor even though they do make full contact...most of the time. While sitting down if I try to prop my legs on my knees I feel an uncomfortable strain on my hips. Maybe this is due to shin length maybe I just don't have flexible hips though I wish I could cross my legs in that style. I said wish. My shins are great shins. They get me where I need to be. They also don't look like cabbage patch shins. They are short though, and hopefully not as short as I think they are...most of the time.
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