Saturday, July 30, 2011

Why do I like the Zodiac?

I think my dabbling with the Chinese zodiac stems from a sort of embedded fascination with identity from childhood. In the 90s all the shows I liked were at least Asian inspired and had some sort of team as their main protagonists: power rangers, TMNT, Pokemon, DBZ. It’s this fascination with some sort of assigned color or animal as in Power rangers or TMNT or some elemental power these animals use to topple another as in Pokemon- their ability was their purpose. Like in these shows the animals in the zodiac represents a sort of natural ability to act a certain way a personality. When it comes to shows like X-Men the characters, although wearing the same suits and on the same team, seam too individualistic and random to be with one another. Their powers seem more accidental and they act on their own accord more so than in say something like Power Rangers. It’s that there’s some sort of symmetry and sameness of the multiple characters that intrigues me in Asian shows like Pokemon or DBZ more than the west. In looking at the animals in the zodiac it's interesting to think that there is some sort of sameness and symmetry to these twelve different animals they're perhaps like colors on a color palette- a personality palette. Like a color palette you have colors that lead into one another blue into green or snake into horse, or opposites like red and green or sheep and ox two rival animals who's personalities are said to clash. I remember when I was probably ten playing with markers and pretending they were power rangers and wishing there was a purple, orange and silver ranger.
There is also a sort of autistic thing that is fulfilled when I find out zodiac stuff. I can tell a year's animal and element by looking at it, I can tell the animal months, the element assigned to the months, I’ll probably be able to tell someone off hand the animal assigned to a specific hour by the time I’m done fiddling around. The zodiac also offers a continual thing I can find coincidences with when procrastinating or just curious to test its accuracy on my family, friends, or celebrities. When I look at actors I can tell their animal year and element by looking at their date of birth. Embarrassingly enough I sometimes use celebrities as a testing ground for the zodiac's unfailing accuracy. I wonder why Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are both rabbits but 12 years apart. For the sake of the zodiac I'm not above investigating Megan Fox's potential for proving the zodiac's accuracy in that Megan fox is a tiger and was married to her former hubby Brian Austin Green an ox. Ox’s and tigers are said to always attract at first but never get along in the end they are both now separated. Another random fact is that Willow Smith creator of the smash hit "Whip my Hair" specifically mentions Jessie J and Rihanna as inspirations for her music. What they all have in common is that they are all dragons. I look at these things when I’m procrastinating along with my music searching and video game list making, I try to look for coincidences with the zodiac in hopes to find something interesting.

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